Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Analysis Paper

I'm having some difficulty with my analysis paper and would like lots of feedback on this post. For now my working thesis is : Child abuse is every one's responsibility. I know it's kind of vague. I have been wrecking my brain trying to come up with something better.

The whole idea of writing a paper and thesis statement absolutely terrifies me. So I'm probably making it much harder than it actually is. I'm going to explain what I'm trying to argue in my paper. It seems like more of an argumentative piece than analysis. All suggestions are extremely welcomed.

We are all familiar with the concept of being an accessory to murder. The accessory didn't actually commit the crime but was involved in some form or fashion. However, they are still charged with a crime and sentenced accordingly. So my argument is the same rule should apply to child abuse. I admit it will be somewhat harder to prove someone had actual knowledge of a child being abused and did nothing.

I'm not saying this is true in every case but for the most part there is a always a third party. My grandmother use to say if you let a person talk long enough they will tell on themselves.

For an example, my neighbor is a single parent like myself and she leaves her six year old son home alone. He would get up and go to school on his own and return home everyday. So one day I approached his mother in casual conversation. I mentioned I noticed her son walks alone to the bus stop and home every evening.

She explained to me that she didn't have a choice and she couldn't afford a sitter. I politely suggested that she could drop him off to me when she went to work at 4 am. It was an inconvenience for me but I rather the child not be left alone. To my surprise she agreed and I was pleased. She was hesitant at first then I explained to her what happens in case of a fire and he is home alone. I asked how would that affect her. The thought had never crossed her mind.

I was pleased that she accepted my offer but if she declined, I had a responsibility to notify Child Protective Services, (CPS). Imagine if her house did catch on fire and I never voiced my concern and her child dies in the fire. Am I not as guilty as the mother? I say, yes I am. I had prior knowledge the child was being left alone for most of the day. Should I be charged with a crime?

I know it sounds harsh but I could have prevented that child's death, right. This is the direction I would like to take for my paper but there is little data to support my thesis. I'm not saying to run and call CPS every chance you get but talk to the parent make sure your accusations are correct. Try to offer an alternative solution and if all else fails you must notify the authorities.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Take another look at the description of the analysis paper from your syllabus (it's part of the writing parameters handout):

"In this report you will analyze blog sites on your blog topic. I expect that all academic parameters will be followed (at least 3 references, use of in-text citations, proper quoting/paraphrasing). If you have trouble writing, please consider the use of the NVCC writing center, your peers, and conferencing with me. Additionally, sound consideration of both editing and proofreading will be required for high grades."

So, you're not actually going to have a traditional thesis-statement/argumentative paper. Instead, you're going to analyze your blogging community (the people who write about abuse/family issues. Let's chat about this further through email or come in to my office hours.

However, you don't have to lose this topic--the idea you propose here, that everyone is involved and responsible (a la good samaritans) is intriguing. This is something you can continue to talk about in your posts.